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Membership includes special member rates for event registration, access to Sleep Medicine, participation in the online directory of members, and eligibility to participate in WDSS elections and committees. Benefits do not vary among membership levels. 

Which membership level should I select?

Professional Degree (DDS, MD, PhD, or equivalent): Select this member type if you hold a terminal degree in a research or clinical specialty related to dentofacial sleep health. 

Allied Healthcare Staff: Select this member type if you are working in the field of dentofacial sleep health but do not have  a DDS, MD, PhD or equivalent. Examples include nurses, technologists, dental assistants, or community health workers. 

Academic:  Select this members type if you are working as a full-time faculty at an accredited dental school or program.  

Student: Select this member type if you are a current student in a degree program related to dentofacial sleep health. 

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